Our simple but reliable, electronic control system comes with a manual override. The manual override allows for emergency operation of the system in event of an electronic failure. The Operator Control Panel (OCP) communicates with the Pump Control Module (PCM) to control the Feed Pump and Auto Flush Mode as required.
OCP has the following features / functions, interfacing with the Pump Control. A. ON / OFF button with LED to indicate motor status B. Manual 3-way valve to direct product flow to tank or testing port C. Analog flow gauge D. Product test port E. Auto & Manual Flush control with indicator LED The Control Panel is surface mounted using the supplied standoffs. Place it so it is easily accessed, and the test port tube can be led to drain somewhere safe. For ease of service, the Panel and the 3 Way Service Valves should be located close to each other so all three Service Tubes can reach the Service Pail.
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